BJP OBC Morcha holds Organizational meeting in district Udhampur
JAMMU January 19 Sunil Prajapati (State President BJP OBC Morcha), Arun Gupta (District President BJP Udhampur), and Jeewan Sharma (DDC Chairman Udhampur) were Present main in the Program.

Sagar Verma (district President OBC Morcha Udhampur) organized the program.
Prominent among the others Present in the program was Raj Kumar Tarkhan (General Secretary BJP OBC Morcha), Suresh Salgotra (Vice President BJP OBC Morcha), Som Raj Khajuria (State Executive Member BJP), Ram Lubhaya (Office Secretary BJP OBC Morcha), Sham Lal (Spokesperson BJP OBC Morcha).
Program commenced with the lightning of a lamp.
Program commenced with the welcome address by Sagar Verma, District President OBC Morcha Udhampur followed by the introduction of OBC Morcha cadre with the Senior Leaders.
Sunil Prajapati explained in detail the organizational structure and functioning to the OBC Morcha office bearers and workers. He said that BJP is a party of principles, working for the upliftment of all the sections of the society, irrespective of their religion, caste and creed and its activists form its backbone. However, the BJP OBC Morcha is the greatest asset of the party as they are in continuous contact with the people in general and OBC samaj in particular at the grass roots level.
He asked the activists to further intensify the efforts to motivate more and more youth into the People in the Party fold before the elections are held for the J&K Assembly.
Arun Gupta in his address asked the workers to focus on highlighting the Central Government schemes tailored specially for the people of OBC category and ensure that even the last tail ender gets the benefit of these schemes.
Charan Das (General Secretary BJP OBC Morcha Udhampur) managed the stage.