BJP organizes Intellectual Sammelan to mark Emergency Day

JAMMU June 25″ Bharatiya Janata Party, Jammu and Kashmir, organized a meet, the “Intellectual Sammelan” at Jammu Club, in connection with the Emergency Day. It was attended by hundreds of people, mostly intellectuals, educationalists  and representatives of prominent political, religious and social organizations.

Ravinder Raina, president, Jammu and Kashmir BJP presided over this sammelan,  while Union MoS in PMO, Dr. Jitendra Singh was the chief guest. MP Lok Sabha, Jugal Kishore Sharma was special invitee on the occasion. 

BJP General Secretary & Incharge Intellectual Sammelans, Vibodh Gupta, assisted by Rakesh Mahajan, Incharge All Cells of BJP and Ved Sharma, Co Incharge All Cells, had made arrangements for the event

Ravinder Raina, while addressing the sammelan, said that it was on this day in 1975, when emergency was imposed in the country to fulfill the political aspirations of the then Prime Minister, Smt, Indira Gandhi. On this day, a black chapter was written in the history of independent India, which is remembered as most unfortunate for a democratic country like India.

“Torture, imprisonment, silencing the voice of free press symbolises all that was emergency, Raina said.

Dr. Jitendra Singh, in his address, said that today while marking the 48th anniversary since the emergency was imposed on June 25, 1975, we should not forget the atrocities faced by the people across the country. The people were deprived of various rights, political activists were jailed in thousands, a reign of terror was seen everywhere and there was no one to listen.

Jugal Kishore Sharma said that the Congress government under Prime Minister Smt. Indira Gandhi had murdered democracy and a dictatorial set up was established in the country. Congress should seek apology from the people of the country for the blunders committed by their leaders in the past just for the sake of power.

Vibodh Gupta, in his address, said that the party has organised this sammelan to educate the present generation about the way Congress used to harass, torture and imprison the innocent citizens for own survival. He said that people are well aware these days and understand well how to teach Congres a lesson for its anti democratic, anti national policies.

The proceedings of the event were conducted by Ved sharma, while vote of thanks was presented by Rakesh Mahajan.