BKS organises Dogra Folk Games
JAMMU, March 01: Bhartiya Kala Sangam in collaboration with Ministry of Culture,Govt.Of India organised an Awareness programme on “Dogra Folk Games” with special focus on ‘Gulli-Danda’ and ‘Staapu’.The programme was organised today in the panchayat Malik Pur,Miran Sahib in the premises of Govt .Middle School ,Nandpur.

On this occasion, the Chief Guest of the programme was Ramesh Lal,Sarpanch, and presided over by T. R. Sharma, KAS (Retd) .
In the programme more than 50 students participated and revived the tradition and culture of playing traditional dogra games such as “Gulli- Danda’ and ‘Staapu’.
The Chief Guest in his address appreciated the children for making a great choice of playing these traditional games which are not only the part of culture but also the basis of our healthy living and making sound body.
Sh.Ramesh Singh Chib,Director,Bhartiya Kala Sangam congratulated the children & the Panchayat Malikpur/ Nandpur for connecting children with the folk games & traditions because such games represent our culture .The children now a days have forgotten such traditional games because of which the physical activities had become negligible amongst new generation ,he added.
While delivering the presidential address, T. R. Sharma appreciated the participants for their contribution towards revival of old folk games of Staapu and Gulli Danda, which besides entertainment helps updating physical strength. He congratulated both Romesh Singh Chib and Bishan Dass for choosing this concept rolling in new generation to get acquainted with the traditional games.
The participating students were awarded with trophies
The programme was witnessed by Panches, Sardari Lal Naresh Kumar, Sham Lal Joginder lal and many other responsible members of the panchayat Malik pur Nandpur.
The programme was designed,coordinated and ably anchored by renowned Dogri Folk Singer Sh.Bishan Dass.