Camaraderie, teamwork & respect for other cultures pivotal for human development; Div Com Biswas interacts with NCC cadets at Kharu
Leh, June 6: Divisional Commissioner UT Ladakh Saugat Biswas today interacted with students of the Annual Training Camp of 1 Ladakh BN NCC, being held at Kharu.

A total of 350 students of standards 9th and 10th – 177 boys and 173 girls – from 17 institutions of Leh and Kargil districts were a part of the training which began on 29th May and concludes on 7th June.
Div Com Biswas, while addressing the students, impressed upon the foremost importance of education and health to achieve one’s aims and ambitions in life and stated that these two aspects come first and without any compromise.
He stressed upon the importance of respecting other cultures and religions, building friendships across cultures, and teamwork in every sphere of life as the pivots of human development. Commending the equal participation of girls in the camp, Biswas took to the occasion to highlight the role of boys in creating a society that is not male-dominated and stated that gender equality must be encouraged right from home.
Further, Biswas spoke of the exposure provided by such training events in knowing, learning, and experiencing different cultural, regional, and religious aspects to nurture a sense of camaraderie. “Being in an environment where you have the opportunity to interact with people from other backgrounds gives you the opportunity to find goodness in other cultures, religions, which in turn provides the basis for a strong nation,” stated Biswas.
CO, 1 Ladakh Battalion NCC, Leh, Col Vas Johar through a presentation highlighted the aims and objectives of the camp, and informed that the NCC cadets were given practical lessons on documentation checks, opening address & pledge, PT, drill, games, firing, lectures on service, etc. Additionally, the talent hunt for Republic Day Celebration 2024 was also conducted during the course of the camp.
Various cultural performances were showcased by the cadets on the occasion.