CAO Inaugurates Pouni FPO in Reasi
REASI, APRIL 14: An office of Pouni Farmers Producer Organisation (FPO Pouni) was inaugurated today in main Bazar Pouni by Chief Agriculture Officer, Harbans Singh in the presence of prominent citizens and PRI Members.

The CEO Pouni Surinder Sharma presented a detailed work plan with the focus to increase membership drive. Around 105 farmers have registered in the organisation so far.
The Chief Agriculture Officer stressed upon increasing the membership with the active participation of small and marginal farmers of the area so that more equity grant could be realized for effective utilization in its management. He also suggested for establishment of Spices grinding and packing unit under PMFME as a part of ODOP and assured issuing of seed and fertilizer licenses.
Among others, Jaspal Singh sarpanch Bharakh, Suraj Prakash, Sarpanch Kund Khanyari and Bharat Singh Sarpanch Allya also spoke on the occasion.
Later, the CAO visited the Apiculture unit of Dev Raj who is rearing 110 bee colonies. Narinder Sharma i/c Apiculture development Assistant; S. Harmeet Singh AEA accompanied the Chief Agriculture Officer during Tour.