Election Observers brief candidates, political representatives about ECI guidelinesRead MoreElection Observers brief candidates, political representatives about ECI guidelines
Election Observers brief candidates, political representatives about ECI guidelinesRead MoreElection Observers brief candidates, political representatives about ECI guidelines
General Observer for AC-57 and AC-58 inspect strong room in ReasiRead MoreGeneral Observer for AC-57 and AC-58 inspect strong room in Reasi
SVEEP Awareness and SVEEP Pledge held at SMVDURead MoreSVEEP Awareness and SVEEP Pledge held at SMVDU
School of Architecture & Landscape Design in collaboration with IIC deliberated on “MEPF Solutions for Sustainable Design of Built Environments” at SMVDURead MoreSchool of Architecture & Landscape Design in collaboration with IIC deliberated on “MEPF Solutions for Sustainable Design of Built Environments” at SMVDU
Police Observer reviews security setup for Assembly Elections in Reasi DistrictRead MorePolice Observer reviews security setup for Assembly Elections in Reasi District
Observers review election preparations in ReasiRead MoreObservers review election preparations in Reasi
Expert Talk on Drug Abuse delivered by Dr. Beena Jad at SMVD UniversityRead MoreExpert Talk on Drug Abuse delivered by Dr. Beena Jad at SMVD University
Italy based SMVDU Alumnus interacts with StudentsRead MoreItaly based SMVDU Alumnus interacts with Students
Police Observer for Reasi inspects strong rooms, holds meeting with SSP ReasiRead MorePolice Observer for Reasi inspects strong rooms, holds meeting with SSP Reasi
Orientation Session for ECE First-Year StudentsRead MoreOrientation Session for ECE First-Year Students
SMVDU launches ‘Design Your Degree’ Program with Focus on Experiential LearningRead MoreSMVDU launches ‘Design Your Degree’ Program with Focus on Experiential Learning
Election Observers available for public hearing in ReasiRead MoreElection Observers available for public hearing in Reasi
General, Police observers assess election preparedness in ReasiRead MoreGeneral, Police observers assess election preparedness in Reasi