CEC Adv Tashi Gyalson inaugurates Chief Animal Husbandry Office in Leh

Leh, July 24: Hon’ble Chairman/CEC Adv. Tashi Gyalson , LAHDC,Leh inaugurated Chief Animal Husbandry Office in the presence of Executive Councillor of ASH, LAHDC Leh,Tashi Namgyal Yakzee; Chief Planning Officer, Leh,Tsewang Gyalson;Director of Animal Husbandry, Dr. Mohd Iqbal;Chief Animal Husbandry officer, Dr.Stanzin Rabgais along with doctors from various block offices.

The chief animal husbandry office falls within the district’s capital expenditure budget, slated for construction at an estimated cost of 1.5 crore rupees.

As part of the ceremony, an animal ultrasound machine was handed over to the Block Veterinary Hospitals of Chuchot and Khaltse, as well as to the District Veterinary Hospital Leh. This initiative aims to enhance healthcare facilities for livestock across the region, ensuring improved diagnostic capabilities and better veterinary services.