Central University of Jammu inaugurated an online FDP on “Indian Strategic Thought and Warfare- Indian Knowledge System” 

Jammu, March 17: The Department of National Security Studies (NSS), Central University of Jammu (CUJ), under the visionary leadership of Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Prof. (Dr.) Sanjeev Jain, is organising the Five-Day Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on Indian Strategic Thought and Warfare-Indian Knowledge System (through online mode) from 17th to 21st March, 2025. Prof Utham Kumar Jamadagni, Head, Department of Defence and Strategic Studies, University of Madras, was the Chief Guest and Keynote Speaker for the inauguration session.

The first session of the day was started with a welcome address by Dr. Neeta Rani, Head of the Department of National Security Studies, Central University of Jammu. While addressing, she introduced the brief about the theme and its topical relevance in the contemporary times in aligning with NEP-2020. Further, she also highlighted the importance of the Indian Knowledge System and its relevance on Indian military strategy and warfare.

Dr. Neeta expressed her gratitude to Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Prof. (Dr.) Sanjeev Jain for his continuous encouragement and providing an opportunity to organize the FDP on a significant topic. Further, she expressed her gratitude to the chief guest for his consent to be a part of this insightful programme. Further, Dr. Anuradha Choudhary, Co-convener of the Faculty Development Programme, gave a brief speech of the speaker.

In his special lecture, Prof. Utham Kumar Jamadagni gave a comprehensive overview of the strategic brilliance of “Maritime Might: Ancient Indian Maritime Campaigns”. Prof. Kumar brilliantly explained the ancient practices and pre-colonial history of Indian Maritime strategic thought. Prof. Utham highlighted the maritime mights and capabilities of the Cholas, the Cheras, the Vijayanagar, the Sangams, and the Marathas dynasties and explored how India could emerge as a maritime power by utilising the Indian Knowledge system. Further, he emphasized the importance of understanding our ancient traditions pertaining to naval strategies and the war methodologies adopted by our ancient maritime kingdoms.

In addition, he congratulated the Department of National Security Studies for organising such a programme, particularly from the perspective of the Indian Knowledge system in Indian Strategic thought and warfare. The inauguration ceremony was concluded with the vote of thanks by Dr. R. Sudhakar, Associate Professor and Co-convener of the Faculty Development Programme. He expressed his gratitude to the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor for his unwavering support in organising such insightful events.On behalf of the department, he extended gratitude for the enlightening lecture to Prof. Utham Kumar Jamadagni.

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