Central University of Jammu Vice-Chancellor chaired 16th Academic Council meeting
Start-ups, Innovation; T&P and NEP-2020 major Thrusts

JAMMU July 16: THE 16th Academic Council of Central University of Jammu (CUJ) held under the Chairmanship of Vice Chancellor, Prof. Sanjeev Jain in the university campus and took a series of decisions on a host of critical issues that would bring major improvements in academic and research activities of the university.
Underlining the vision of attaining institutional excellence in tune with NEP-2020 which transcends disciplinary boundaries and envisages inter-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary teaching and research, the Vice Chancellor expressed satisfaction at the implementation of NEP-2020 in toto in the CUJ.
Furthermore, the decision to implement teaching of courses on Indian Knowledge Systems (IKS) in various semesters and mandatory requirement of including a Chapter on IKS related to a respective PH.D. thesis was also approved
Further, the Academic Council (AC) also adopted certain rules and regulations which will improve governance and accountability of all stakeholders of the university, such as students, faculty and staff. Some of major reforms brought in the academic pattern are – MOODLE Learning management Systems to monitor attendance and enhance learning process; printing of degrees from one of the best and most trusted and secured Indian Security Press and revamping the curricular practices by focusing on outcome based curriculum structures ; policy on Start-up, Incubation and Technology Enablement Centre (SITEC), operationalisation of School of Engineering for running B.Tech courses and starting the MA Programme in Centre for Comparative Religion and Civilization.
Secondly, an important decision has been taken by the AC for granting admission to Army sponsored candidates; adoption of Bloom’s Taxonomy as a significant step to upgrade quality of evaluation process; internationalisation of higher education by adopting guidelines for admission and supernumerary seats of international students.
Prof. Jain apprised the Council about major quality reforms brought in the university and expressed satisfaction at the training and placement initiatives of the university wherein 86 students have been placed and the highest package has been 7.5 lacs. Further, the Chairman shared the target of a highly efficient T&P cell to place 250 students in the next year.