Centre for Women’s Studies, Jammu University organizes Gender Sensitization Workshop for the Students and Scholars of the Department of Hindi
Jammu, September 26: The Centre for Women’s Studies, University of Jammu organized 3nd workshop under ongoing series for the students and scholars of the department of Hindi on 26th, September 2023. Dr. Shallu Seghal, Faculty, Department of Economics, University of Jammu was the resource person. The workshop began with the welcome address by Prof. Rajni Bala Head, Department of Hindi who spoke about the importance of such workshops, which are much required especially for the students to not only understand about the challenges that women face rather to understand the society as a whole. Further, she said that the status of the women in India has been socially invisible due to gendered roles, there is a social control on women and there is no decision making power in the hands of women which leads to hurdles to women’s mobility, access to choices, and social restrictions in every sphere of women’s life. She also stressed on the important role of the family and parents in generating gender sensitivity among the children irrespective of gender.

Dr. Shallu Seghal, the key resource person for the workshop, spoke about the relevance of Gender sensitization workshops especially for the students and scholars and said that it is important to acknowledge each other as human being first, and not just by any gender. She also gave the reference of Amartya Sen’s idea of development that each and every human being has a certain potential and their development lies in their environment which should be supportive and encouraging. While explaining the gender gaps she gave reference of the data on Female Foeticide, Malnourishment, Domestic Violence, Unpaid Work wherein the disparities that exist are because of the social justifications and biasness towards women that are there in the society from time immemorial. Dr. Sehgal also explained about how the contribution of one gender is quantified due to which the work done by the women is not acknowledged as they are unpaid care workers/farm workers. While concluding she engaged all the participants in an activity to hold a hand and say “I belong to you” to symbolize that we all are one and need each-other’s help to uplift each other.
Further Prof. Vishav Raksha Director, Centre for Women’s Studies in her remarks explained the motive behind the conduct of such workshops. She said that we all should acknowledge the differences that exist in the society and stressed that the differences should not be the cause of disparities in the society. While interacting she mentioned that along with brotherhood we need sisterhood as well wherein we can uplift each other in every field of our life, and the choices and opportunities are accessible to every individual irrespective of gender. She also explained that through such workshops we are trying to inculcate the gender sensitivity among the students /scholars who are the change makers of the society.
Large number of students, scholars and faculty members of Department of Hindi very actively participated in the workshop and shared their views and observations. The workshop was conducted and coordinated by Ms. Kunzang Angmo, and the formal vote of thanks was presented by Dr. Saranjit Kaur both Faculty members of the Centre for Women’s Studies. The office staff of the Department of Hindi looked after the digital modalities of the workshop.