Centre for Women’s Studies, JU organizes Gender Sensitization Workshop for the Students and Research scholars of the Department of Geography

Jammu, Dec 28: The Centre for Women’s Studies, in collaboration with the Department of Geography, University of Jammu organized 17th and the final workshop under ongoing series for students and scholars of the department of Geography. Dr. Ellora Puri, Faculty, Department of Political Science, University of Jammu was the resource person.

Prof. Anuradha Sharma welcomed all the participants. In her address, she said that gender sensitization is very important for the students as they are the future of the nation. She also appreciated and applauded the efforts of the Centre for conducting such workshop. She also shared that their research scholars are also working on the areas related to gender issues and they have an elective course on Gender geography in their P.G Program. Prof. Vishav Raksha, Director, Centre for Women’s Studies, in her introductory remarks spoke about the relevance of Gender sensitization workshop and said that Centre is very successfully conducting these workshops across the disciplines in the University. She further mentioned that we have to understand the gender disparities prevalent in the society and by accepting the differences and respecting each gender we can build society of equality and equity.

Dr Ellora Puri, the key resource person for the workshop, spoke about the relevance of Gender sensitization workshop especially for the students and scholars. She said that although we are in the 21st Century but still there are gender inequalities which can only be bridged through awareness generation. By highlighting the various examples of Gender stereotypes, she gave the reference of Global Gender Gap to show how every year despite various provisions women are still not sensitized about their basic rights enshrined in our Constitution and also explained how these can be accessed to safeguard the rights of women. She further mentioned that in 2022 also the representation of women in economic, political, and administration positions is still under-represented. 

Large number of Students, Research Scholars and Faculty members of the department of Geography very keenly participated in the workshop and  raised many queries like Safety and security concerns of women, Role expectations, Patriarchy, Gendered spaces etc.

The workshop was conducted and coordinated by Dr. Saranjit Kaur, Faculty, Centre for Women’s Studies and the formal vote of thanks was presented by Dr. Shashi Prabha, Faculty, Department of Geography. The office staff of the department of Geography looked after the digital modalities of the workshop.