Chairman/CEC, Tashi Gyalson attends 10th ‘Meet of Mountain States’ in New Delhi

New Delhi, March 23: Chairman/CEC, Tashi Gyalson attended the 10th ‘Meet of Mountain States’ organised by Integrated Mountain Initiative at Indira Paryavaran Bhawan (MoEFCC), New Delhi today. 

The Union Minister of State for Tourism, Ajay Bhatt, and Union Minister of State for MoEFCC, Ashwini Chaubey, were the chief guests. President IMI, P.D Rai, PCCF Ladakh, Jigmet Takpa; Former CEC/Member Governing Council IMI, Rigzin Spalbar, and various other officials from the mountain states and UTs were present during the meeting. 

CEC Tashi Gyalson further chaired a session themed “Plastic Waste Management – EPR implementation in the Indian Himalayan Region (IHR). He stressed the need for having adequate policies on solid waste management for which he re-iterated the declaration on the need for Extended Producer’s responsibility (EPR) to the mountain states in the Indian Himalayan Region and similarly highlighted the resolutions passed in the legislators’ meet during SMDS-XI held in Leh last year on the same theme.

Besides, sessions on themes including ‘Harnessing Tourism for Sustainable Mountain Development, and Agroecology in Indian Himalayas – Resurgence with Millets were also conducted today.