Child marriage prevented by District Child Protection Unit in Kishtwar

KISHTWAR, April 24: A 16-year-old boy was saved from getting married on Monday here in the Drabshalla area.

As per District Child Protection Officer Kishtwar, Ubair Ahmed,  information regarding the marriage of a minor boy belonging to a deprived family in a Panchayat of Drabshalla was received and the same was stopped by acting swiftly.

He said Protection Officer- Non Institutional Care, Touseef Iqbal Butt was deputed and with the help of Sarpanch of the Panchayat, he persuaded the parents and stopped the marriage which was planned to solemnise today. 

The officials explained to the parents of the boy about the harmful effects of child marriage, the suffering of education of child and health problems and the legalities regarding the offence.

The officials persuaded the parents to stop the marriage after explaining to them in detail about the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006, which prohibits marriages of boys below 21 years of age and girl prohibits marriages of girls below 18 years of age, the officials said.

Later, the parents and the boy were counselled and produced before the Child Welfare Committee Kishtwar as registered as Child in need of Care and Protection, they added.

The minor was handed over to his father through the Child Welfare Committee Kishtwar and PO-NIC was directed to produce the parents of girl child before CWC Kishtwar for follow up.