Commissioner JMC conducts tour of Chhani and adjoining areas to check sanitation
Stresses for Sanitation Workers’ attendance through app

JAMMU, DECEMBER 10: Commissioner, Jammu Municipal Corporation (JMC), Dr. Devansh Yadav today conducted an extensive tour of Channi and adjoining areas to get first hand appraisal of the sanitation facilities in the Chhani Himmat area and surrounding wards. The tour was aimed at assessing the cleanliness and sanitation services within the municipal limits in light of complaints.
Seeking peoples’ cooperation in maintaining the sanitation in their respective wards, the Commissioner appealed the people not to throw the garbage/refuse in the lanes and drains. He emphasized the importance of ensuring proper sanitation in every nook and corner of the municipal jurisdiction to maintain hygiene and prevent the accumulation of waste.
The Commissioner also instructed the health section of JMC to regularly verify the attendance of sanitation workers through App to ensure punctuality so that efficient service delivery is ensured, adding that any lapses in maintaining sanitation would not be tolerated. He directed the sanitation staff to clean lanes and drains on a regular basis to avoid accumulation of refuse in the wards.
Reiterating the commitment of Jammu Municipal Corporation to ensure better municipal services to the people living in the Municipal jurisdiction, Dr. Yadav highlighted the need for public cooperation in achieving the desired sanitation goals.
Among other Joint Commissioner, (H&S) Abdul Star, Health Officer, Dr. Vinod Sharma, Chief Transport Officer, S. Dharamveer Singh and other senior officers of JMC accompanied the Commissioner during the tour.