Commissioner Secretary Sahu reviews full dress rehearsal and other arrangements of Investiture Ceremony for the State Award to be held on 20th Jan
LEH, 19 January: Commissioner Secretary AK Sahu today reviewed arrangements underway for the investiture ceremony for the State Awards to be held at Sindhu Sanskriti Kendra, Leh on 20th January 2023.

Awards shall be conferred to individuals and organizations in the fields of Bravery, Literature, Art & Craft, Social Reforms, Empowerment and Environment Protection, Public Service, Sports, Entrepreneurship & Progressive Farming and Teaching & Academics.
Sculptor TseringGurmet, R/O Kyungyam, Leh, Artist Mohd Hussain Khan, R/O Silmoo, Kargil, Clay Sculpture SkarmaTsering, R/O HemisShukpachanLeh and Theater Artist Kacho Ahmad khan, R/O Minjee Kargil shall be awarded in the field of Art. Simultaneously, DorjeyAngchok, R/O Skampari, Leh and Rigzin Sangdup, R/O ChuchotYokma, Leh in the field of Music (Surna).
Dr. JamyangGyalson,R/O Matho, Lehshall be awarded in the field of Literature, while Late TashiRabgias, R/O Sakti, Leh would be conferred with the award posthumously.
In Social Reforms and Empowerment Protection (Organisation) award category, Baqirya Health Care, Kargil shall be awarded while in the Public Service award category, Director DIHAR, Dr Om Prakash Chaurasia, Sub-Inspector MohdBaqir, R/O Chanigund, Kargil and retired Cameraperson Tsering Namgyal, R/O Leh, Dr. Maheshwar S. Kanwar and Head Assistant ChewangRinchinshall receive the awards.
In the category- Public Service-(Organisation), Municipal Committee Leh, PHE Subdivision Leh and Designated Covid-19 Hospitals/Covid Testing Laboratories of Ladakh shall be awarded.
Rinchen Dolma, R/O Spituk, Leh, Jigmet Dolma, R/O Igoo, Leh, TashiTundup, R/O Pokar, Kargil shall be awarded in the Sports category, while Sonam Stanzin, R/O Domkhar, Leh and UrgainPhuntsog, R/O Gya, Leh shall receive the awards in the Category – Progressive Farming.JigmetNorboo, R/O Leh shall be awarded in the category of Entrepreneurship.
In the Category- Teaching & Academics – the awards will be received by Mohd Ali, R/O Pishu, Kargil and Mohd Mustafa Kamal, R/O Pokar Kargil, while NawangStanzin, Assistant Sub-InspectorLadakh Police shall be awarded in the Bravery category.
The Ladakh Police band will perform the National Anthem at the onset and conclusion of the ceremony.
Live telecast of the ceremony will be available on Fri, Jan 20 at 11:30 GMT+05:30 on FB channel (