Congress good at lip service, BJP accomplished real work in Ladakh; Kavinder retorts Rahul Gandhi
JAMMU Aug 15: In a strong rejoinder to Rahul Gandhi’s accusations about BJP doing nothing substantial in Ladakh, senior BJP leader and former DyCM Kavinder Gupta said unlike Congress hypocrisy and lip service, the BJP has accomplished real work starting from fulfilling long pending demand of granting UT status to Ladakh.

In a statement issued to media persons, countering the points raised by Congress Leader Rahul Gandhi during his visit to Ladakh UT, Kavinder said that BJP has satiated the long due aspirations of people of Ladakh and the same have won the hearts of common Ladakhis, which is irking the Congress party and whatever Rahul is saying is all fabricated with no truth in it. He said that leader of the party which despite remaining in power for over 70 years treated Ladakh as a second class region and never bothered to provide justice to its people as the funds used to reach this place via Kashmir with major portion getting siphoned by the corrupt dispensations in the past.
“It is BJP which ensured direct funding in Ladakh with power given to LAHDC giving no room to delinquents to carry out any kind of bungling. Congress remained mum over UT demand by the Ladakhis, for which many of them even gave supreme sacrifice but it was BJP that realised this dream of people and today they more than satisfied and enjoying rights to the hilt”, he said adding that Rahul cannot misled people by concocting imaginary stories because the people today are well informed and know well that which party is truthful and which not.
Kavinder in a counter question asked the Congress leader to name one significant work which his party has done exclusively for the Ladakhi people? He said that people as well as Congress leadership knows well that no significant work has been done for Ladakh.
“On the contrary, BJP rendered yeoman’s service and ensured all weather road link to Ladakh(to be completed soon ) which under Congress regimes was considered as something next to impossible,” he said asking Rahul Gandhi to first go through the facts and figures before misleading the people through fake narratives having no basis at all. He said that contrary to what Rahul has been spreading in Ladakh about China usurping grazing lands, the truth is that huge chunk of land was given in a platter to that country by Rahul’s great grandfather Jawaharlal Nehru giving an absurd logic that the same was barren and of no use to India. “The reality behind gifting this land to China without any opposition was cowardice”, he said adding that BJP Government on the contrary is fighting the expansionist country tooth and nail to safeguard every inch of land belonging to India and the 19 rounds of talks between the two nations is the testimony to the aforesaid fact which Rahul also cannot deny.