Congress holds day long Moun Satyagreh in support of Rahul Gandhi
JAMMU, July 12: Congress today held a day long moun Satyagreh at Mahatma Gandhi Chowk , Satwari Jammu to express solidarity & support to Shri Rahul Gandhi in his fight against politics of vendetta by Modi government.

Led by JKPCC chief Vikar Rasool Wani,alongwith working President Raman Bhalla besides Ex Dy CM Tara Chand, Mula Ram, Kanta Bhan, Ravinder Sharma ,Balwan Singh,Yogesh Sawhney, Manmohan Singh, Shabir Ahmed Khan, T S Bajwa, Ved Mahajan, Th Balbir Singh,Indu Pawar, Vinod Sharma, Hari Singh Chib,Krishan Bhagat,Gurbachan Rana, Shashi Sharma, Pawan Raina, Narinder Sharma, Pranab Shagotra, Narinder Gupta, Pankaj Dogra, Rajesh Sadhotra, Gurdarshan Singh, Amolak Singh, Sanjeev Panda, Gurmeet Singh kuldeep verma , Kapil Singh, Vijay Sharma ( Sewa Dal) , Ajay Lakhotra, NSUI, Babbal Gupta, Vijay Shastri, Shamsher Chand, Bhushan Dogra, Naresh Sharma, Satish Sharma , Rajiv Saraf,Sat Pal Spolia, Virinder Singh, Dr R K Khajuria,Dwarka Chaudhary, Ritu chaudhary, Kewel Jogi, Balbir Singh , Amrit Bali, Vinod Khajuria, Satish Sharma,Sumit Mangotra, Sonu Dogra, Bhavisha Sudan, Tirth Bhagat,Rajan Sharma ,Ashok Bakshi, Dwarka Prasher, large number of prominent leaders and activists took part in the day long Satyagreh.
Carrying playcards of slogans of’ Rahul Gandhi aage bado, hum tumahre sath hain, Daro mat etc, the leaders and activists bore black stips on their mouth and put a day long silient dharna at Gandhi statue . Later the President Vikar Rasool Wani left for Srinagar to join the moun dharna at Srinagar.
Earlier speaking to reporters, at dharna site,JKPCC Chief Vikar Rasool Wani said that nationwide silent satyagrah is part of our continuous struggle to oppose & expose the vindictive politics of Modi government and to protect democracy and Constitution. He said we express full support to our leader Rahul Gandhi for fighting the cause of common man of the country and the politics if vendetta, pro rich and anti poor and anti youth policies of BJP.
The country is facing the worst inflation and unemployment in the country but modi government is busy in divisive and policies of polarisation for elections. The people of country are fed up and want change as is evident from Bharat Jodo Yatra and Karnatka and Himachal elections results.
Working President Raman Bhalla said that the politics of vendetta being persued by Modi government against opposition leaders especially congress leadership and Rahul Gandhi shall be opposed tooth and nail and would be defeated.
He Said Shri Rahul Gandhi is fighting the cause of poor, unemployed and common man of the country as Modi government wanted to crush every voice of dissent and opposition against wrong policies of BJP. Rahul Gandhi is fearless voice and a symbol of change and struggle.