Congress pays rich tributes to Pandit jawaharlal Nehru
Nehru’s role in the accession of JK with India is historical- Wani
Nehu was architect of modern India- Bhalla
Jammu, May 27th 2024: The 60th death anniversary of first Prime Minister of India Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru was observed here today in a function at Congress HQ. Shaheedi Chowk, Jammu.

The function was presided over by PCC President & Former Minister Shri Vikar Rasool Wani and attended by Working President PCC Shri Raman Bhalla , senior leaders of PCC, DCC Urban, Mahila Wing and INTUC.
Prominent leaders present include S/Shri Sr. Vice Presidents Shri Mula Ram & Th. Balwan Singh, PCC Vice Presidents Shri Vinod sharma, Shri Ved Mahajan,S Tirlok Singh Bajwa,Smt. Gurbachan Kumari Rana,Shri Narinder Gupta General secretary (org),General Secretaries Pawan Raina, Satish Sharma, Amrit Bali, Narinder Sharma,Suresh Dogra,Balbir Singh,Distt. Presidents Thakur Manmohan Singh (Jammu Urban), Parvez Ahmed Wani( Ramban) ,Sheikh Mujeeb (Doda), Working Presidents Jammu Rural Badri Nath Sharma & Charanjeet Singh,Shiv Kumar Sharma(President INTUC), Vijay Sharma( Chairman Congress Seva Dal),Ajay Lakhotra(President NSUI),Jatin.K.Raina(Chairman Social Media),Bhavishya Sudan (RTI),PCC Secretaries Bushan Dogra,Rajveer Singh,Sahil Sharma, Dwarka Choudhary, Vijay kumar Shastri,Parshotam Mehra, Distt Sr.Vice President Ram Parkash Magotra, Block Presidents Latish Sharma,Ajay Kumar,Darshan Kumar Rakesh Kumar,Latish Sharma,and others.
Paying floral tributes, Shri Vikar Rasool Wani recalled the great contributions of Pt Jawahar Lal Nehru in the freedom struggle and in laying the foundations of free India as a strong democratic, secular and progressive nation, for which he is rightly known as the architect of modern India.
Wani denounced attempts by the ruling party and it’s sister concerns to distort the historical facts about the role played by the great stalwart in the freedom struggle and in the building of modern India especially his historical contributions, in bringing Jammu and Kashmir ,into the Indian fold at the crucial times.
He lauded the visionary role played by Pt Nehru in defeating the designs of two nation theory by Mr. Jinnah over Kashmir. It was his far- sightedness and his great efforts which ultimately succeeded in lending the popular support in Jammu and Kashmir towards its accession with India by Maharaja Hari Șingh on 26th Oct, 1947.
PCC Chief said that in recent times Nehru’s legacy has been under attack from his detractors, who are the ideological descendants of the Non- participants in the freedom struggle. It is time that the congressmen and all those who are aware of the great contributions of Pt. Nehru in the freedom struggle and as a leader of this nation, come together to counter those forces, who are trying to distort history, so that the generation to come are not misinformed and misguided regarding the core values that he represented and stood for.
Shri Raman Bhalla in his address described Pt. Nehru as the tallest leaders of Modern times after Mahatma Gandhi. He said that contribution of Pt. Nehru to bring the state of J&K to the fold of Indian nation can’t be forgotten and there is need to expose the distortions being made by certain forces for vested political interests. He also lamented those who try to belittle the contributions of Pt. Nehru as leader of freedom struggle and as leader of the nation, who not only shaped the future of India but played the very vital rule in the world politics and was instrumental in the creation of third order in the world in the shape of NAM which emerged as a powerful block in the global politics.
Shri Mula Ram (Sr. Vice President) said that the building of a democratic, social and political system was Pt. Nehru’s principal objectives. For him political democracy was a means of solving social problems. He laid the foundation of Panchayati Raj and Community development programmes because he believed that first objective of the state was social welfare and empowerment of the people. He started planning system paving way to growth of public sector with massive investment in basic and heavy industries and resolved into industrialization of the country.
Th. Balwan Singh described Pt. Nehru as the tallest leader of all times, whose contribution in the freedom struggle and as first prime minister can never be forgotten. He said that contribution of Pt. Nehru to bring the state of J&K to the fold of Indian nation can’t be forgotten and there is need to expose the distortions of history being made by certain forces for vested political interests.