Congress questions pick & choose in lambardar/Chowkidar nominations

Jammu, February 05: Congress has taken strong exception to the pick & choose the method in the nomination of Lambardars & choakidars , undertaken in different districts on the instructions of the LG administration and described it as arbitrary and against settled norms. 

Reacting to the  removal and replacement of lambardars and chowkidars  in a most clandestine and arbitrary manner having been finalised by the respective district administrations, JKPCC has questioned the move of administration and the mode and manner. The Lambardari act envisages elections to elicit majority opinion but it has been by passed illegally. 

JKPCC Chief Spokesperson Mr Ravinder Sharma has said that it is totally arbitrary and pick and choose method, on the behest of ruling BJP leaders whereas the procedure violates all norms and principle of fairness and natural justice. 

The party asked the government to stop the arbitrary process and take the stake holders and villagers into confidence as per norms. In some cases ineligible persons have been approved on the recommendations of blue eyed persons. 

Party has extended support to the agitating villagers accross jammu and kashmir,who are aaggrieved of the unilateral and arbitrary process initiated and finalised one sided by the administration.