Congress takes out protest march from Janipur to New Plot in support of abolishing toll plaza, installation of smart meters and imposition of property tax

Public resentment against BJP gaining momentum:  Bhalla

Jammu, September 03, 2023:-JKPCC Working President Raman Bhalla along with Kanta Bhan,Yogesh Sawhney, Vijay Sharma today led another protest march from Janipur to New Plot in support of abolishing the toll plaza, installation of smart meters, and the imposition of property tax that have been significantly hampering the daily lives of the people in Jammu and Kashmir.The Congress workers holding party flags and placards with anti-government slogans, strongly condemned BJP Govt over skyrocketing prices of various essential commodities. The protest March was organized by Madhu Secretary DCC Jammu Urban, Ward -16 , Block-1.  Prominent among those present on occasion include Sonu Dogra, Ashok Kumar, Sunil Kumar, Sikander Khan, Davinder Kumar, Koushalya Devi, Vicky Kumar,Kuldeep Kumar besides others.

Speaking on the occasion, Bhalla  said that public anger was on the rise against BJP Govt’s wrong policies in J&K. He alleged that every section of the society is fed up with this “anti-people” dispensation. He urged the people to get rid of the “anti-people” BJP in the next Assembly elections. He said all sections of the society are suffering because of “anti-people policies” of the BJP Government. He said that the poor-sections of the society are suffering a lot due to mis-rule of both Central and LG Administration, which are led by BJP.He asked the people that if they want to mitigate their sufferings, they must come under the banner of Congress Party whose leaders have sacrificed their whole life for the upliftment of poor masses of India. Senior Congress leader accused the BJP Government of befooling the people of J&K by its false claims of development.

Bhalla lashed out at BJP for abandoning people with their problems being related to the basic amenities during its nightmarish rule, saying the promises made during 2014 Parliamentary and Assembly elections proved just hoax. They said BJP did nothing for the people except generating passions on religious and regional lines. The people have been living miserable life during the past more than nine years, with nobody addressing their problems, he added.He also launched scathing attack on BJP and alleged that they have let down the people of Jammu region. They said the BJP stands totally exposed before the people of Jammu. He stated that the BJP is encountering widespread public discontent in J&K due to its policies that are perceived as unfavorable to the poor and middle class.

Bhalla intensified his criticism of the incumbent government’s policies, asserting that it has failed to fulfill its promises of generating employment for the youth, supporting weaker sections of society, and providing much-needed relief to underprivileged sections of society. Addressing the delay in elections, Bhalla commented, “The BJP is avoiding elections due to mounting concerns. The living conditions of those on the brink of poverty have not improved. Amid rampant inflation and unemployment, discontinuing food schemes has only compounded the daily struggles of the people. How can the BJP face those from whom it has taken away sustenance? How can a government that has imposed excessive taxes on the people confront them? Our struggling middle class, Below Poverty Line (BPL) individuals, and other marginalized communities are especially suffering.” He continued, “They are unwilling to confront the people and are evading elections using various excuses. They cited constituency delimitation and electoral roll revisions as reasons, which were completed long ago. They even mentioned unsuitable weather, but they lack justifications for further delaying the polls.”

Bhalla affirmed, “Congress is dedicated to uplifting the disadvantaged sections of society. Our history reflects a commitment to pro-poor and pro-marginalized actions. In the future, the Congress will persist in working for the welfare of the poor, downtrodden, and the working class.” He  urged upon the administration of Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha to pay urgent attention as the public is suffering badly. He said that the BJP’s claim of providing ‘pro-people’ governance stand exposed as Central Government has failed miserably to address the issues affecting the general public. He castigated the BJP government, saying that the common man is going through the worst sufferings under the current dispensation, which has sold its soul to few businessmen, ignoring the agonies of the countrymen. The victims of these three issues are the common men, the countrymen who are the true sons of the soil,” said the former Minister.“The BJP claims that theirs is a government of the people, for the people. I ask them to explain how it could be a public friendly government when the common man is suffering from these issues for so long now,” he asked.

 Bhalla observed that votes should be sought on the plank of nation building, development, upliftment of poor and not by exploiting religion.  In this grim scenario, the youth have to play a crucial role by negating and isolating all such forces which hoodwink them by generating fear about religion being in danger”, he added. Expressing dismay over functioning of the BJP government in Jammu and Kashmir, Bhalla referred to nepotism and favoritism in the process of selection to various posts and said the scenario is dismal. Apparently referring to alleged backdoor appointments, he said the confidence of meritorious youth have shattered, which call for course-correction. Speaking on the occasion, Bhalla said that the first and the foremost priority for the union government should have been immediate restoration of Statehood to J&K which would have eventually paved the way for resumption of democratic processes. “Unfortunately, one fails to understand the reasons for the delay in the decisions of urgent nature when it comes to J&K,” he remarked. Bhalla observed that people in J&K are already reeling under severe pressure of economic depression. “Administratively also the people in J&K feel suffocated and are waiting eagerly for a democratically elected government to address their sufferings. But the people at the helm in Delhi seem to be least bothered about these important public issues and are instead adding to their woes by these rushed decisions,” he added. Bhalla said lack of will in the government has pushed all Sectors to the extreme levels of insignificance.

 Yogesh Sawhney  said the present dispensation was working against the interests of the people of J&K and warned BJP not to barter the self-esteem of the people for few loaves of power. Welcoming pro-active participation of youth in political activities, he said that Congress will continue to provide a vibrant platform to public-spirited activists. Congress will encourage honest and devoted youth to serve the people in best of their capabilities”, he added. He decried politics of hate and urged the youth to fight the divisive forces by strengthening the bonds of amity and brotherhood. He said and added that India belonged to all, irrespective of religion or cast. He said disruptive forces were doing a disservice to this great nation by sowing seeds of hatred. He said that Jammu and Kashmir was passing through a most difficult phase with the insensitive  BJP Govt pursuing anti-poor policies. Sawhney said that Congress is getting  open feedback of the people to over nine years of ‘mis-governance and maladministration.’ BJP should read the writing on the wall on the face of historic public protests, and it should serve as an ultimatum to the government for failing Jammu, Kashmir,” he added. He said Congress will continue to vouch for dialogue between India and Pakistan, as he believes this to be the only way forward in heralding lasting peace in the region.  

Kanta Bhan claimed that “Youth are worst hit, as their avenues of jobs have been closed and whatsoever openings available are being filled either through backdoor or by indulging in favourtism”, she said, adding that this has blocked the future of unemployed educated. See assailed the present dispensation for lacking transparency and accountability. The government has lost its credibility and the administration its efficacy due to leadership deficit. The end sufferers remain the people, who find themselves at the cross roads,” she maintained. She accused BJP of plunging Jammu and Kashmir into uncertainty, saying their inherent contradictions can lead to unprecedented political crisis. “Apart from failing on administrative front, the govt has not been able to give a matured political leadership to this sensitive state,” she said. She said BJP, which publicly takes pride in boasting of solving the problems confronting the state, they are actually playing to galleries and addressing to own political constituencies. She  exhorted the party functionaries and the grass root level workers to remain in readiness for any political development in near future. “The unnatural BJP Govt. can’t carry the baggage of contradictions anymore,” she said, adding that Congress has to gear up for big challenge in the ensuing months. She said power has never been the destination of Congress, which she described as a mass movement.