DC Doda reviews Revenue Department’s Progress and Initiatives
Lumbardar, Chowkidar Conference to be held on 28th October; revenue officers to be available 24×7 for the common people: DC

DODA, October 13: Deputy Commissioner, Vishesh Mahajan, chaired a meeting with revenue officers of the department in Conference Hall of the DC office complex in Doda. The purpose was to assess the progress in terms of various priority areas within the department.
During the meeting, a thorough discussion regarding PSGA took place. The DC stressed the importance of strict adherence to PSGA timeline. He also stressed on complete shift to the online mode and e-office. He emphasized the timely handling of applications related to online services for land records, Change of Land Use (CLU), and all services covered under PSGA. Directions have been issued not to revert/ send back applications within 72 hours from the last date prescribed for the service under PSGA. The meeting also included discussions about the state land allotment to the land less Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) beneficiaries.
It was decided that a mega Lumbardar, Chowkidar Conference shall be held on 28th of October 2023 in Doda to sensitise them of their legitimate duties for making revenue service delivery mechanism more efficient and effective. The meeting also addressed concerns related to Lamberdars and Chowkidars.
The DC instructed revenue officers to closely monitor documents related to revenue matters, and he encouraged the introduction of Geo-tagging of relief and other developmental cases.
The meeting delved into the State land matters and the Roshni land issues, with the DC directing the officers/ officials to undergo anti encroachment drives and retrieve major chunks of encroached state land.
The meeting discussed in detail the progress and performance under CLU cases, Revenue Court Cases, SVAMITVA, Audit Paras, Administrative Inspections, Attestation of mutation, Status of domicile/ other certificates, and other related related issues.
DC urged the revenue officers to ensure their availability and assessablity for the public, embrace zero tolerance for corruption of any kind at any level, and ensure prompt paperwork/ replies. DC has exhorted to follow proper norms and procedures during Girdawri, and Court cases. He has issued clear directions not to send communications directly to Deputy Commissioner and follow the proper route. He impressed upon officers to remain vigilant of any kind of situation, disturbing peace and harmony. DC has once again reiterated the revenue officers to pay frequent visits/ inspections in the Health and Educational institutions of their areas and report for any dereliction of legitimate duties or slow performance.
The meeting was attended by ADC Doda ADC Bhaderwah, ACR Doda, SDMs, Tehsildars, Naib Tehsildars, Accounts Officer, and other concerned officials of Revenue Department.