DC Kishtwar tours adjoining areas of Kishtwar Town, Nagseni area; takes stock of developmental works

KISHTWAR, February 22: District Development Commissioner Kishtwar, Dr. Devansh Yadav, accompanied by concerned Officers, today conducted a day long tour of various sites to take stock of the ongoing and proposed developmental projects in the district, including the development of public utility infrastructure under Area Development Plan of Keru Hydroelectric power project Nagseni.

During the visit to Nagseni area, he was accompanied by BDC chairman Nagseni, Mohammad Ashraf Hussain; DDC member Nagseni, Faisal Ahmed; BDO Nagseni Anjil Singh; CEO,   Sudarshan Kumar Sharma; NT Nagseni, Engineers of PWD, REW, concerned field functionaries besides Sarpanch Panchayat Pathernaki and others.

The District Development Commissioner took detailed appraisal of the sites identified for the construction of Indoor Sports Stadium at Galhar, Solid Waste Segregation plant at Panchayat Bhagna C, construction and upgradation of High School Pathernaki under ADP of RR plan Keru HEP and passed necessary directions to concerned officers.

He assessed the technical feasibility of these upcoming projects and directed the executing and technical wings to expedite the process to benefit the people in a time bound manner.

He directed the local PRIs to coordinate with the executing agencies and ensure that these projects are completed in a hassle free manner.

Meanwhile, the District Development Commissioner along with the Chief Education Officer and other concerned officials visited High School Patherkaki and inspected the feasibility of construction of the additional building under the area development plan of Keru HEP.

He asked the CEO and Engineering wing of PWD to work in synergy and explore the possibility for the construction of the additional building to augment the infrastructure needs of students.

During the visit, the DDC also inspected the existing building besides checking the attendance and functioning of the school. He directed the school authorities to ensure the electrification of the existing building.

He also interacted with the Out of School Children enrolled in the cluster schools during ongoing special winter camps meant for them under project Talaash. He encouraged and motivated them to continue their studies.

He stressed upon the HOI and teachers to work with dedication so that the learning gaps of these OOSC are plugged in stipulated time and they are prepared to be enrolled under mainstream education system during the coming academic session.

He also directed the DIET Kishtwar authorities telephonically to issue adequate books and other logistic support  for these out of school children.

The locals of the area also called upon the District Development Commissioner Kishtwar on the occasion  and apprised him about their grievances and blasting issue of the Keru HEP project.

Responding to their grievances,DDC Kishtwar talked telephonically to the Head of Project of said HEP project and asked him to strictly adhere to the blast SOPs for the safety of people and their property.

Earlier, District Development Commissioner Kishtwar along with Tehsildar Kishtwar Umar Muneeb, ExEN PWD Ravinder Kumar and other officers and officials of concerned departments visited various spots and inspected the land feasibility for the construction of ST hostel, Nagseni ST hostel, Cold storage unit & Dacchan house in the Lachkhazana and Shalimar area adjoining to town Kishtwar.

He passed a slew of directions to the revenue and PWD authorities regarding the immediate identification, demarcation and documentation of land to be required for taking up these projects so that the public can avail the benefit of these utilities as soon as possible.