DC reviews progress achieved under Area Development Plan at Udhampur
UDHAMPUR,MAY 27: To review the progress achieved under Area Development plan, DDC ,BDC, PRI capex and status of estimation, accord of Administrative approval for the financial year 2023-24, Deputy Commissioner, Udhampur Sachin Kumar Vaishya convened a meeting of officers and Technical staff of Rural Development Department here in the Conference Hall of DC Office Complex.

While reviewing the Block wise progress of works, BDOs were directed to complete the estimation process of works within six days. He stressed on the need to formulate a holistic Area Development Plan covering all sectors. He asked the concerned to pace up the pending estimation work besides expediting pace of work on ongoing projects to complete them within a given timeframe. The SDMs were directed to closely monitor the pace of work in their respective areas.
Later, the Deputy Commissioner chaired another meeting to review the functioning of Youth Clubs and also deliberated upon continuation of existing and constitution of new youth clubs in the district. He directed the ADCs and SDMs to hold the meeting of all youth clubs and explain to the members their role and responsibilities.
Among others, the meeting was attended by SDM Ramnagar, Shishir Gupta; Additional Deputy Commissioner, Joginder Singh Jasrotia; Assistant Commissioner Revenue, Rafiq Ahmed Jaral; Assistant Commissioner Development, Dr Ranjit Kotwal; Xen REW, Ram Singh and all BDOs.