DDC Anantnag reviews progress of Health Infrastructure works in district

ANANTNAG, February 10: The District Development Commissioner (DDC) Anantnag, Dr Basharat Qayoom today held a joint review of Health, R&B and JKPCC regarding the implementation of various health infrastructure projects under execution in the district.

The works reviewed are being taken up under PMJVK, District CAPEX. Construction at Government Medical College Anantnag was also discussed. Principal GMC Anantnag, Dr Tariq Qureshi highlighted pending civil works including hospital store, lift, roof of administrative blocks among others.

DGM, JKPCC apprised the participants that 85% of the works stand completed and the remaining works will be completed by end of March 2023. He said DPRs for additional components including landscaping have already been framed and work shall be taken up. 

R&B and JKPCC was directed to ensure seamless connectivity in college campus in coordination.

Speaking on the occasion, DC said that health is a priority area and the administration is committed to ensuring ease of access to healthcare for every resident. He said that under execution health infrastructure projects are important for ensuring that adequate healthcare facilities are available in close radius for the people.

Dr Basharat called on the departments to maintain close coordination so that all under execution works are completed in the present fiscal and people can benefit from these.

The meeting was attended by ADDC, JD Planning, Principal GMC – A, SE R&B, Executive Engineer R&B among others.

Later, ADDC Anantnag Bashir Ahmad Wani also reviewed the implementation of works under the PRI plan.

Reviewing the implementation of works being executed by JK Housing Board and R&B under PRI, Languishing, PMDP, etc, the ADDC stressed on physical and financial completion of all ongoing works before end of the fiscal.

Some interdepartmental issues were also coordinated to ensure hassle free plan implementation.