DDC Vice Chairperson inaugurates Baisakhi Mela at  Devika (Nainsoo)

UDHAMPUR, April 15: Underscoring the importance of preserving our traditions, rich culture and festivals in the teeth of so-called trend of modernity, Juhi Manhas Pathania, Vice Chairperson DDC Udhampur yesterday threw open traditional Baisakhi Mela  at Devika (Nainsoo).

Anwar Choudhary, Addl SP Udhampur; Dalip Abrol, CEO Udhampur; Raghubir Singh, SHO Udhampur; Sham Singh, NT Ramnagar, and other senior officers of Tehsil and Police administration, besides prominent people and general public were present.

The Mela was organised by the Shiv Mandir Devika Mela Prabhandak Committee, Nainsoo with the active support of the District administration.

Every year a 3-day Baisakhi Mela is organised on the bank of holy Devika River. The Mela concludes with a grand Dangal on flanks of river Devika where wrestlers from various parts of State as well as adjoining states participate. People from different parts of Udhampur and adjoining areas attend this historic Mela.

The historic Baisakhi Mela or ‘Basoa’ as it is called in local parlance, is an annual event organised on the eve of first Baisakh,  on the bank of holy Devika river in Udhampur.

According to legends, Devika is considered as the elder sister of Ganga Mata and it is believed that Lord Shiva, on the request of great Rishi Kashyap, sent Mata Parvati to the earth to flow as river Devika and thus, rid the people of Madardesh (Duggar) of all their sins and afflictions.People believe that a single dip in the holy water of river Devika is enough to rid a person of his /her sins. People take holy baths in the sacred Devika rivulet during the mela. This historic and popular Mela attracts visitors, vendors, traders and devotees from within and outside the state in large numbers.

A number of temporary sweet shops, toy shops and other eatable corners set up by the locals and outside vendors were the main attraction for the general public visiting the mela site.

While speaking on the occasion, Pathania extended her warm greetings to the people on the auspicious Baisakhi day and hoped that the festival will bring peace, prosperity and harmony in J&K. She stressed on the importance of these traditional festivals and melas to maintain the harmony amongst all the sections of the society as such events bring people closer.

 She said that these festivals/Melas are an inseparable part of our culture and help a lot in showcasing the rich cultural heritage that has been bequethed to us by our wise forefathers. She further said that the festivals would offer the visitors and tourists an exciting experience of knowing about the cultural heritage, folklore, local Art, Culture, craft and traditions. These Melas also help in promoting the rich culture, beliefs and traditions of Dogras at national and international level. It is a feast to the eyes, ears and soul to watch the rich Dogra art and culture live in these melas.All this adds to the colour and vibrancy to the drudgery and monotony of everyday life and thus, brings novelty to our life.

Nisha Mahajan, Arti Sharma Sarpanches, Manmohan Raina Sarpanch, Subash Sharma, Mandal Pardhan, Mithun Kumar, Angrej Chand and others remained present and addressed a sea of people having assembled over there.