DEA Kishtwar readies to start Preparation of 2nd Supplement to Panchayat Electoral Rolls 2023
KISHTWAR, September 20: The District Election Authority, under the supervision of District Election Officer Kishtwar, Dr. Devansh Yadav, has geared up for the preparation of the 2nd supplement to the Panchayat Electoral Roll, 2023, as per the schedule notified by the State Election Commission UT of Jammu and Kashmir.

In this regard, the Deputy District Election Officer, Naresh Kumar gave a press briefing, here today.
He informed that the State Election Commission Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir has notified the schedule for the preparation of the 2nd supplement to the Panchayat Electoral Roll, 2023, with January 1, 2023, as the qualifying date.
He stated that the electors of the area can accordingly submit (file) claims and objections regarding additions, deletions, corrections, and transpositions of entries in the existing Panchayat Electoral Roll from September 20, 2023, to September 29, 2023.
The Dy DEO said that the Panchayat Electoral Roll, 2023, has been displayed at prominent locations in Halqa Panchayat today on September 20, 2023 (Wednesday) along with a public notice.
He further informed that special camps would be held at the Polling Booth Locations on September 23, 2023 (Saturday) and September 24, 2023 (Sunday).
The Panchayat Election Booth Officials (PEBO, i.e., VLW/MPW/GRS) along with the Assembly BLOS shall remain available at the Polling Booth Locations with the requisite Forms and Panchayat Roll, 2023, for guidance of the electors.
He further added that disposal of claims and objections by ERO would be done from September 30, 2023 (Saturday) to October 6, 2023 (Friday). Again, publication of the voter list with the supplement will be done on October 10, 2023 (Tuesday).
He added that the State Election Commission has given one more opportunity to the left-out voters/voters to get their names added, deleted, corrected, or transposed with reference to January 1, 2023, as the qualifying date.
Therefore, the names in the last updated Electoral Roll published on February 10, 2023, with reference to January 1, 2023, as the qualifying date shall be put in the public domain for the preparation of the 2nd Supplement to the Panchayat Electoral Roll, 2023. The qualifying date for the current updation of Panchayat Roll shall, however, remain the same as January 1, 2023.
For any assistance in this regard, the concerned District Panchayat Election Officer (DEPO), Electoral Registration Officer (ERO), Assistant Electoral Registration Officer (AERO), and Panchayat Election Booth Official (PEBO) may be contacted. Their details are available in the offices of the concerned District Panchayat Election Officer and also on the official website of J&K State Election Commission @ (