Demolition Drive carried out in Lower Roop Nagar to clear land for construction of 208 flats for Economically Weaker Sections: JDA clarifies
Says will continue drive against encroachers

JAMMU, NOVEMBER 21: Clarifying its stand, the Jammu Development Authority (JDA) today stated that the demolition drive conducted by it on November 20, 2024 against encroachment at Lower Roop Nagar, Jammu and other prime land patches are meant for construction of infrastructure projects and for development of colonies.
The land measuring 25 kanals at Lower Roop Nagar, Jammu has been earmarked for construction of 208, one BHK flats for Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) having one bedroom, hall, kitchen and bathroom was under the illegal possession of encroachers and the same was cleared of encroachments after following due procedure, the Authority clarified.
“It was brought to the notice of JDA that some of the illegal occupants had rented out these kiosks and Doms (One Room tenements) and were charging rents from poor public. On this patch of land, the JDA had floated the tender for construction of 208 EWS flats. However, the earmarked land was found having 12 dome quarters (abandoned/vacant) and 22 kiosks under illegal possession of those who were already rehabilitated at various locations such as Purkhoo, Muthi and Jagti and some have rented out to some outsiders/locals on monthly rental basis. These structures were to be cleared for making the land available for the purpose of EWS Flats,” the JDA said.
It further stated that due procedure was adopted for eviction of illegal possession of its property by serving notice under Section 4 of the J&K Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorised Occupants) Act 1988 on 20-01-2024 and the shopkeepers were requested and apprised about the project contemplated on the land for which LoI was already issued.
Elaborating further, the JDA said that after the notice, these shopkeepers represented for giving them one-month time so that they shall remove their belongings to alternate places.
“Some of the shopkeepers left the place for setting up their shops elsewhere, knowing fully well that due to illegitimate possession of the property they shall have to vacate the premises sooner or later. Some of the shopkeepers/dome quarters have themselves submitted affidavits stating that they shall vacate the JDA land by 5th of February 2024” it added
After giving enough time (10 months) of notice, the demolition drive was carried out on 20-11-2024 after following due procedure. All the illegal occupants were informed to vacate the possession and JDA facilitated them in safely removing all their belongings (found in only 5 to 6 shops rest were without any belongings) so as to free the earmarked land of all encumbrances for construction of flatted accommodation.
These kiosks and Domes (One Room Tenement) were under illegal possession of a mix of encroachers from different communities including non-domicile of J&K and the JDA carried out demolition without considering caste/community-based action. Even some labourers were accommodated on monthly rental basis in some Domes by these encroachers whereas other were left abandoned, it added further.
The JDA reiterated that it will continue to carry out such demolition drives against encroachers in near future so that land is made available for building infrastructure for the Government as well as for needy public.