DEO Shopian conducts Awareness session with newly appointed Lumberdars
SHOPIAN, April 15: The District Election Office (DEO) Shopian today held an awareness session with the newly appointed Lumberdars of the district at Mini Secretariat Shopian.

The session was attended by local officials and local Assembly BLO’s. The ongoing session was meant to create mass awareness to enhance the pace of enrollment in the ongoing Electoral roll revision. The newly appointed Lumberdars were requested to survey households to ascertain whether the BLO’s have reached the families or not .
The district election team headed by Deputy District Election Officer Shopian, Jahangir Ahmed briefed the gathering about various aspects of the revision schedule. Election related audios were played and films related to electoral participation for greater and stronger democracy were also run on the screens in the meeting hall.
The District Election office has so far covered all the tehsils and colleges of the district for awareness and education of the voters.
The participants were informed about the notification issued by the Chief Election Officer J&K according to which the date of filing claims and objections has started from 5th of April and shall continue up to 20th of April.
It was further urged upon participants to identify persons with disabilities and 80 years plus voters and ensure that both the category of voters is appropriately marked and flagged in the electoral roll.
The Lumberdars were also requested to work in close coordination with concerned BLOs, BLAs, PRIs and political parties in the matter.
They were also informed that prospective voters attaining age of 18 on 1st July and 1st October 2023 can also file their claims and the said claims shall be disposed-off by the due dates respectively.