DEO Shopian to felicitate first time voters, voters who report first at Polling stations on Polling Day

SHOPIAN, SEPTEMBER 16: In order to ensure enhanced voter mobilisation on the Poll Day for better voting turnouts across Shopian Assembly Constituency, the District Election Officer Shopian has decided to felicitate voters.

Those voters who report first at their polling stations in the morning and first time voters will be awarded with appreciation certificates and a gift voucher by the Presiding Officers at the Polling stations.

Pertinent to mention that during the recently concluded electoral summary revision, an addition of around 1850 new voters have been made in the Constituency and all these new voters who are going to cast their first-time vote will be thanked through an appreciation certificate.

All arrangements have been made for the smooth execution of the initiative. The measure has been taken to celebrate the polling Day as a day of great joy and happiness to instill a positive sense of feeling about the participation in the democratic setup.

This follows the guidance of General Observer, Shopian, Roohi Khan and the efficient execution of Returning Officer, Shopian, Shakoor Ahmad Dar.

This novel initiative is a small gesture from the administration to express gratitude towards the voters most committed on the day.