Deptt Of Education, Govt Degree college for Women, Kathua organized lecture
Department of Education, Govt. Degree college for women Kathua in collaboration with IQAC organised lecture in college library on the topic “How to improve reading habits “. The program was organised under the supervision of Incharge principal Dr Inderjeet kour. The main resource person of the event was Mr Sourabh Dutta, chief librarian. He suggested students to visit library and improve their knowledge as well as vocabulary. In this technological age students are not accessing libraries whereas libraries are full of all kinds of books that will help them in their future pursuits. Apart from that, books are a good source of entertainment and understanding the world around us. In a sense they are everyone’s best friends was suggested by him.

Chief guest of the event congratulated Dr Rachna Devi HOD Education for organising such informative lecture for the students which will benefit them a lot in future. Dr Jyoti, Mr Sushil khadotra were also present in the function. 80 students participated in the function.
Formal vote of thanks was presented by Dr Jyoti Deptt of education.