Deputy Mayor SMC reviews arrangements of annual Urs of Bulbul Shah (RA)
SRINAGAR, JANUARY 25: Parvaiz Ahmad Qadri Deputy Mayor, Srinagar along with Farooq Ahmad Mir Corporator M.R Gunj accompanied today visited the shrine of 1st Islamic Preacher of Kashmir Hazrat Abdul Rehman Bulbul Shah Sahib (RA), Bulbul Lankar Nawa Kadal Srinagar to review the arrangements in connection with commencement of annual Urs of Hazrat Abdul Rehman Bulbul Shah (RA) Sahib.

Assistant Executive Engineer (Sub Division Nowpora) RRWD, SMC, Assistant Executive Engineer (CDC), SMC Assistant Executive Engineer (PHE) Srinagar and other officers/officials of SMC accompanied the Dy. Mayor during the visit.
Representatives/caretakers of the shrine have requested the visiting dignitary for providing 24×7 Electricity supply during the Urs days, repairing of defunct street lights and installation of new street lights in and around the Hazrat Bulbul Shah Sahib (RA) shrine, repairing of Fountain and providing of 27×7 sanitation service in and around the shrine.
The Deputy Mayor gave on spot directions to the concerned officers to take appropriate necessary action with respect to the issues pertaining to each of them and directed for redressal of grievances.
The representatives/ caretakers of the Hazrat Abdul Rehman Bulbul Shah (RA) Sahib shrine thanked the Deputy Mayor for the visit and also assured full cooperation with the SMC Officers/Officials.