DIET Kishtwar organises ‘School Leadership and Management’ workshop for HOIs
KISHTWAR, September 20: District Institute of Education and Trainings (DIET) Kishtwar hosted a five day workshop on School Leadership and Management for the Heads of Institutions, with reference to the implementation of New Education Policy (NEP) 2020.

As many as 67 HOIs of zone Kishtwar, Nagseni, Drabshalla and Inderwal attended the programme.
The DIET In-Charge Principal inaugurated and validated the program , The Principal laid emphasis on the importance of transforming schools as per the guidelines of New Education policy.
The Educational Leadership Programme was facilitated by Zakir Hussain, Assistant Commissioner Development (ACP), Dr Rabia Naseem Mughal, Sr. Academic officer, SCERT Kashmir division through virtual mode.
The Resource persons from DIET Kishtwar were Riaz Ahmed Giri, Sr. Lecturer; Riaz Ahmed Butt, Sr. Lecturer, Humaira Ayoub Sr. Lecturer. They delivered lectures on different topics as per schedule.
The deliberations were held on several topics like “Growth Mind set”, “Team Building and role of head teacher”, “Time Management”, “Influence without authority”, (IWA), “Decision Skills”, “Time and energy Management”, “Goal setting on Leadership Management”, “Effective Communication” etc. Besides that Role of Educational leader in Implementation of New Education Policy 2020 was also discussed with HOIs during course of five days workshop.
Farooq Ahmed Giri Sr. Lecturer DIET coordinated the programme and guided participants in developing the annual pedagogical plan for schools. The training programme concluded with the hope that all HOIs will deliver the same in their respective institutions.