DIG Shridhar Patil chairs security review meeting in Doda
DODA, 7 March 2024: DIG DKR Range, Shridhar Patil-IPS paid a visit to District Doda and chaired a crime/security review meeting at PCR Doda on Thursday. The meeting was attended by all supervisory officers and SHOs of District Doda.

SSP Doda Javaid Iqbal-JKPS presented a powerpoint presentation and apprised the DIG DKR Range about the overall crime as well as security scenario of the District.
While reviewing the crime, the DIG DKR Range emphasized upon the officers to make special efforts to ensure disposal of under investigation cases including backlog cases, Inquest Proceedings, arrest of absconders, tracing out of missing persons, disposal of complaints / online grievances and minimize the crime pendency.
The officers were urged upon to work on mission mode approach to eradicate the menace of drugs and make special efforts to identify the backward / forward links of the persons who are involved in drug trafficking so that we can reach its dead end and the menace of drug is rooted out from the society.
In theft /burglary cases, the DIG DKR Range exhorted upon the officers to make special efforts, examine all aspects during investigation to workout the cases and recover the stolen property. The DIG directed the supervisory officers /SHOs to launch week long drive to check traffic violations like installation of speed regulator /governance and other safety equipments in the vehicles as per the guidelines /instructions issued in DM order.
All supervisory officers /SHOs were also directed to adopt proactive approach to prevent the situation from turning into law and order and special surveillance be exercised over the activities of trouble shooters /miscreants and other anti-social elements. The DIG DKR Range also directed the supervisory officers to review the history sheeters, OGWs and other suspects on regular basis for their categorization and identification of new OGWs /trouble shooters on the basis of analysis of their record. Supervisory officers /SHOs were also directed to carry out the exercise of Bowl, LRPs/SRPs /CASOs in their AOR to enhance coordination and alertness of forces.