Dir Agri inaugurates three day orientation training on Fertilizer Control
JAMMU, November 28: A three day orientation training course on Fertilizer Quality Control was today inaugurated by Director Agriculture Jammu Ram Savak as the Chief Guest here at Kissan Kendra, Talab Tillo.

The Training is being conducted for skill upgradation of 50 field functionaries of Enforcement Wing of J&K UT regarding various aspects of Fertilizer Control as per instructions of Shailendra Kumar, Principal Secretary to the Govt., Agriculture Production & Farmers Welfare Department & guidance of Director Agriculture Jammu RamSavak.
Dr. Ravinder Yadav, Deputy Director, Central Fertlilizer Quality Control & Training Institute, N.H.I.V, Faridabad, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India, is the main resource person on the occasion who will sensitize the trainees about all aspects of Fertilizer Quality Control including Legal Procedures to be adopted in context of Fertilizer ( Control) Order 1985.
R.K. Hitaishi, Joint Director of Agriculture (Extension) Jammu welcomed the resource Person & participants & explained objective of training course for capacity building of participants.
Ram Savak, Director Agriculture Jammu, in his Address, said this is first of its kind training course in which resource person from reputed National Level Institute is imparting training to the participants of J&K UT. He also impressed upon trainees to take maximum advantage of training course & make it result oriented .
Ravinder Yadav, Deputy Director, CFQCLI, Faridabad on first day of training delived detailed lectures on Fertilizer Control Act, Fertlizer Control Order , Fertilizer ( Movement Control Order ) & appointment of Enforcement Agencies.
An Interactive session was also held in which queries of trainees were satisfactorily replied on the spot by Resource Person.
Rajeev Katoch, Programme Officer, Directorate of Agriculture Jammu conducted proceedings of programme.
Mahesh Verma, Joint Director of Agriculture SLUB/Farms, Jagdish Raina, Agronomist Jammu, Alok Pandotra, Deputy Director Agriculture (Trgs.), Aman Jyoti, Agriculture Chemist Jammu, Tilak Raj, Assistant Director Law Enforcement & other senior officers of department were present on the inaugural day of training Course.