Directed by Batul Mukhtiar’s film Mumu Shelley is a dard comedy exploring conversations women are conditioned to avoid

Film Mumu Shelley is currently streaming on Open Theatre from Friday, December 6, 2024. Directed by Batul Mukhtiar and written by Aiman Mukhtiar, the film stars Pubali Sanyal and Aiman Mukhtiar in the lead roles.

This dark comedy unfolds during one unforgettable night when Shelley, a young lesbian, and Mumu, a neurotic homemaker, are forced together at a lackluster party. Their sharp exchanges reveal vulnerabilities and unexpected truths.

When asked about the challenges of making a film as an indie filmmaker, the director said, “Indie filmmaking runs on adrenaline, passion, and hard work. While shooting can be resourceful, post-production and distribution remain significant challenges, often demanding budgets exceeding those for shooting.”

She also spoke about the inspiration behind choosing this subject for the movie: “Stories that are real yet reflect the absurdity and comedy of women’s lives attract both Aiman and me. Coming from two different generations, our life experiences merge into a complex narrative. Aiman, as an acting student in the US, once shot a short improv comedy about a girl coming out to her father. This inspired a story with lower stakes—coming out to a stranger.”

Finally, she explained why audiences should watch the film : “The film explores conversations women are conditioned to avoid, breaking silences in ways that are exhilarating and darkly comedic. Mumu and Shelley, though unlikeable, are vulnerable, hopeful, and waiting to be rescued. Their forced interaction opens raw, imperfect conversations. The long takes, choreographed movements, and dramatic close-ups balance absurdity with dark comedy.”