Director Agriculture inaugurates Training Programme on ‘SATHI portal in Kashmir’
SRINAGAR, July 17: The Director Agriculture Kashmir, Chowdhury Mohammad Iqbal today inaugurated a training programme on SATHI (Seed Traceability, Authentication and Holistic Inventory) portal in Kashmir at Agriculture complex Lalmandi Srinagar.

Addressing the programme, Director Agriculture said that this portal is a centralized online system for seed traceability, authentication and inventory designed to deal with the challenges of seed production, quality seed identification and seed Certification. He asked the participants that efforts should be made to increase awareness so that the farmers get full benefit from it.
Earlier, Niladri B Mohanty, scientist-D and Joint Director IT Govt of India, gave a detailed presentation on the aim and objectives of the training programme. He said the portal will ensure quality assurance, identify the source of seed in the seed production chain. He presented different dimensions of the training program with the help of an impressive powerpoint presentation.
Joint Director Inputs, Tabasum Naz; Joint Director Extension, G.M. Dobhi; DDLE B.S Jasrotia, chief agriculture officers of concerned districts, DSCO, nodal officers of different schemes were present in the program.