Director Horticulture distributes Nursery Registration Certificates among newly registered private nursery growers
SRINAGAR, NOVEMBER 02: The Director Horticulture Kashmir, G.R. Mir today distributed certificates among the newly registered private nursery growers, emphasizing the paramount importance of nursery registration and accreditation.

During his address at the event, he underscored the significance of providing high-quality planting material to support horticultural growth and encouraged nursery growers to uphold quality standards in their production.
Responding to the request from private nursery growers to extend the validity period of their registration from one year to three years, the Director assured them that the matter will be taken up with the competent authorities for consideration.
This development is expected to foster the production of a substantial quantity of quality planting material, thereby benefiting the horticulture sector in the region.
Furthermore, he emphasized that the early registration would enable private nursery growers to provide planting material to other departments, which requires the mandatory registration certificate issued by the Horticulture Department.
In addition to the distribution of Nursery Registration Certificates, Director Horticulture also recognized the accomplishments of trainees who successfully completed Fruit and Vegetable Preservation Training at the Fruit and Vegetable Craft Centre Lal Mandi, Srinagar.
He highlighted the significance of post-harvest management and assured that the department would continue to conduct such training programmes to empower more unemployed youth and enable them to initiate their own entrepreneurial ventures.
The event witnessed the presence of Secretary of the J&K State Advisory Board for the Development of Kisans, Abdul Hamid Wani; Joint Director Horticulture, Kashmir, Chief Canning Instructor Srinagar, Chief Horticulture Officer Srinagar, Nursery Registration Officer Srinagar, and various other officers and officials from the Department of Horticulture.