Director Poonch Campus visits CSB Miran Sahib Jammu
Jammu May 28 : The Director, Poonch Campus Prof. Rakesh Vaid today visited Silk Technical Service Centre, CSTRI, Central Silk Board, Min. of Textiles, Govt. of India, Miran Sahib Jammu.

Director during his visit to Central Silk Board institute was to review the ongoing dissertation program of students of the Department of Sericulture who are pursuing as part of their course work.
During the visit, the Director Poonch Campus asked the students of the Department of Sericulture, Poonch Campus to pursue dissertation work with zeal and dedication. He also motivated the students about the importance of this ongoing dissertation program and how to become a successful Sericulturist and productive contribution at the “Nation Building”
Dr N S Gahlot Scientist-D & Incharge of Silk Technical Service Centre, CSTRI, Central Silk Board, Min. of Textiles, Govt. of India, Miran Sahib, Jammu extended a warm welcome to the Director Poonch Campus and briefed him about the ongoing dissertation programs and research topics students of Poonch Campus are under going.
Director also visited different laboratories and reeling units, he had in-depth discussion regarding the establishment of reeling units at Poonch Campus and accessibility to procurement of silkworm rearing appliances.
Director requested Dr. N. S. Gahlot to emphasized about MoU and future working and creating cordial working Environments through MoU between the two Institutes.
Bharat Bhushan, Soneek Koul, Pramila Kumari, Jagdish Raj, BD Maandi, Fida Hussain Qadri, and Pawan Kumar Sharma staff and officials of Silk Technical Service Centre, CSTRI, Central Silk Board, Min. of Textiles, Govt. of India, Miran Sahib, Jammu are also present there.