District Legal Services Authority organises awareness program for Reasi Subjail inmates 

REASI, AUGUST 23: As per the Action Plan Calendar for the month of August, 2022, issued by the J&K Legal Services Authority and also under the guidance and supervision of Sonia Gupta, Chairman, District Legal Services Authority, Reasi today organised an awareness program on Plea Bargaining, Compounding of Offences and Probation of Offenders Act in Sub Jail Reasi.

 Deputy Chief Legal Aid Defence Counsel Rashi Baru and Assistant Legal Aid Defence Counsel Supriya were the resource persons in this program. The Secretary District Legal Services Authority Sunil Kumar explained all the provisions pertaining to Plea Bargaining lucidly along with its practical aspects. He explained all the provisions pertaining to and Compounding of Offences and Probation of Offenders Act 1958 provisions and also highlighted various Constitutional and other statutory provisions related to the rights of Prisoners.

Queries of the Jail inmates were also answered on the occasion. The speakers also threw light on Section 265 A to 265 L of C.r.P.C. The Deputy Chief Legal Aid Defence Counsel, Rashi Baru also informed that Plea Bargaining is a part of recent development of Indian Criminal Justice system and the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2005 allows plea bargaining of cases where the maximum punishment is imprisonment for 7 years.

Sub Jail Superintendent, Sudesh Sharma, thanked the resource persons and other participants including Staff Members of DLSA, PLVs and reiterated the mission of Legal Services Institutions to provide legal aid and legal awareness to all the distressed sections of the society including Jail inmates.

The objective of organizing this program was to encourage the jail inmates to understand the importance of Plea Bargaining, Compounding of Offences and Probation of Offenders Act 1958.

The program was attended by all the jail inmates, along with staff members of Sub Jail, Reasi. Queries of Jail inmates were also answered.