District level Committee on SC, ST prevention of atrocities Act 1989 meet held at Udhampur

UDHAMPUR, February 22: Deputy Commissioner Udhampur, Krittika Jyotsna, who is also the chairperson of District Level Vigilance and Monitoring Committee for release of relief to atrocity victims under the SC and ST prevention of atrocities Act 1989 in the District, today chaired a meeting of the Committee to review the cases in light of various provisions, here  in the Conference Hall DC Office Complex.

Additional SP, Anwar -Ul-Haq; District Social Welfare Officer, Kanika Gupta and other stakeholders attended the meeting.

Threadbare discussions were held on various issues related to Socio-Economic development of people belonging to SC/ST, Assistance/ Maintenance expenses provided to victim of atrocities and Constitution of “District level vigilance and monitoring committee” for reviewing implementation of SC/ST Prevention of atrocities Act 1989 discussed in detail.

During the meeting, detailed deliberations on the cases that come under the provisions of SC & ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989 and decided a quantum of the relief on the basis of merit of the case. The DC directed the members to ensure implementation of all the measures in letter and spirit.