Div Com Kashmir reviews physical progress of Transit Accommodation for PM Package employees
Directs executing agencies to strictly adhere to timelines
SRINAGAR, AUGUST 23: To expedite the construction of Transit Accommodation for PM Package employees, Divisional Commissioner (Div Com) Kashmir, Vijay Kumar Bidhuri today convened a meeting to review the physical progress achieved by executing agencies in the construction of flats in different districts.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Commissioners, Relief & Rehabilitation Commissioner, Chief Engineer KPDCL, officers of R&B, PHE and JKPCC.
While reviewing the district wise progress, Div Com directed concerned officers to make sure that 472 additional flats are ready to handover by the end of September, 2023.
Around 6000 flats are to be constructed of which 650 flats have been already handed over.
Div Com directed concerned officers of District Administration Srinagar and executing agency to strictly adhere to the timeline for the construction of 10 blocks consisting 240 flats at Zewan by utilizing the entire machinery so that these accommodation flats shall be ready to handover by the end of November.
Besides, R&B was directed to complete the construction of about 384 flats in Kulgam by June, 2024. JKPCC was instructed to complete 96 flats by December, 2023 in Kulgam.
Moreover, the officers of line departments including PHE & KPDCL were directed to restore the water and electricity to already completed Transit Accommodation blocks.
Div Com instructed DCs to appoint Nodal officers to oversee the progress and hold weekly review to apprise regarding the advancements. He also asked them to resolve the issues of the PM Package employees.