Div Com reviews arrangements for facilitating smooth Seasonal migration of nomads
JAMMU, April 20: Divisional Commissioner Jammu, Ramesh Kumar today chaired a meeting of Deputy Commissioners and concerned Officers to review the arrangements for facilitating smooth seasonal migration of the nomads Gujjar-Bakerwal community along with their livestock to upper reaches of the districts.

The Div Com directed DCs to issue permissions for movement after seeking proper satisfactory reports from the concerned departments. He also directed DCs to appoint nodal officers and share the number of Trucks required in their respective districts.
The Animal and Sheep husbandry departments were directed to set up first aid camps at different locations to provide vet services to the migrants. He further directed the revenue, police and forest departments to facilitate smooth movement of nomads.
Animal Husbandry and Sheep Husbandry Departments were also told to ensure tagging of each Animal.
The meeting was attended by Director Animal Husbandry, Director Tribal Affairs, Director Sheep Husbandry, ADC Jammu, ACG Jammu and other concerned officers while Deputy Commissioners of Jammu division along with concerned officers participated in the meeting through video conferencing.
Meanwhile, the Divisional Commissioner, in another meeting, reviewed the issues related to West Pakistani Refugees and cases of Displaced persons (DP) of 1947, 1965 and 1971.
The Deputy Commissioners apprised the Div Com about the total number of WPRs and DPs families in their district, number of applications received, number of applications approved and recommended for relief assistance.
The Div Com instructed the DC Jammu, Samba Kathua to expedite the process of identification of left out families of WPRs and Displaced Persons of 1965, 1971, 1947 in their respective districts. He also directed them to submit all completed cases in his office for providing relief assistance to WPR and displaced persons families under the Prime Minister Development Package.