DLC Anantnag approves construction of Radiation/ Oncology Department at MMABM GMC

ANANTNAG, APRIL 08: The District Development Commissioner (DDC) Anantnag, Dr Basharat Qayoom today convened a District Level Committee (DLC) meeting at VC hall of DC office Complex here.

The DLC approved the health project namely construction of Radiation /Oncology Department at MMABM Associated hospital GMC Anantnag at an estimated cost of 7118 lacs under the PMJVK scheme.

While apprising the chair, Principal GMC Dr Quraishi said that PMJVK is a centrally sponsored scheme to develop the infrastructure projects approved under 15th FC and will be implemented in all the districts of the country with 25 % minority population and the district has already got three projects approved.

Health projects under consideration are, hospitals, additional facilities in hospitals, PHCs, CHCs, Sub Health centres, diagnostic centres, Nutritional rehabilitation centres, wellness centers, AYUSH dispensaries, hospitals etc., he added.

He briefed the chair that Cancer is on rise in Kashmir and south Kashmir adds a major share in this burden as revealed in the registration data of RCC SKIMS Soura and patients have to travel along distance of more than 80 kms for treatment i,e the said project is put before DLC for approval and this facility will definitely help the patients to get the early treatment.

The DDC while speaking on the occasion said that being the vital demand of the south Kashmir and of the GMC Anantnag the said project will definitely satisfy its purpose and will give the patients a sigh of relief from the travel expenses, tiredness and time consumption.

The meeting was attended by the ADDC, Principal GMC, CMO, programme officer ICDs, District lead bank manager, DSWO, NGOs besides famous personalities of the district.