DLC approves 85 cases under HADP in Doda
DODA, October 20: District Magistrate (DM) Doda Vishesh Mahajan presided over a comprehensive meeting of all the members of District Level Committee (DLC) and approved 85 cases of the deserving applicants, whose cases shall be forwarded to the Chief Implementing Officer (CIO) for final call.

58 cases were approved from Agriculture department included financial and logistic help to the farmer’s for setting up of low cost poly houses, procurement of farmer’s mechanisation tools, Vermi compost structures, Mashroom cultivation and Bee keeping in the district where as 24 cases of Sheep Husbandry department included 21 Sheep units with 50 Sheeps/ Goats in each unit, 2 Kothas (High Land Pasture Sheds), and one FPO comprising of more than 100 farmers.
The DC, while approving the applications, stressed upon all sectoral officers of Agriculture and allied departments to hold awareness cum interactive sessions in the remote and lesser known areas of the district like Mallan, Sheinkhli, Manoo, Haddle, and other such villages by the 10th of November 2023.
He asked for improvement in the quality of agro-based products, technological advancement of farmer’s, integrated farming, multiple cropping, scientific cropping, and sowing/ciltivating crops having high market demand, for inclusive development of the agriculture sector in the district.
DM exhorted upon the stakeholder to speed up the completion of targets assigned under the HADP to the district. He reiterated that progress in Tourism, Agriculture, and Education sectors in the district shall automatically bring socio-economic development of the district.