DLL organises Self Employment programme at PSPS Govt. College for women
Jammu, May 02: Employment Information Cum Advisory Bureau (EIAB), Department of Lifelong Learning (DLL) in collaboration with Department of Chemistry, PSPS Govt. College for women, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu today organized an awareness programme on Self Employment for the students of their college.

The programme was inaugurated by Dr. Irvinder Kour, HOD Home Science. She in her address highlighted the importance of self employment in today’s era. Prof. Anjana Gupta, HOD Chemistry, in her address, stressed on the need of organising such type of programmes for the benefit of students in their crucial stage.
The programme was held under the overall supervision of Dr. Jeevan Jyoti, Director,
Department of Lifelong Learning, University of Jammu and Prof. Meenu Mahajan, Prinicipal, PSPS Govt. College for women, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu
The special resource person for the programme was Dr. Harleen Kour, Sr. Assistant professor, Department of Commerce, University of Jammu. She informed the students about the concept of Self employment and various Government Schemes and start ups.
Dr. Rewa Khajuria, Counsellor, EIAB, DLL co-ordinated the activity. There were 72 participants who appreciated the event in their feedback. Dr. Deepika Gupta presented a formal vote of thanks.