DLSA Ganderbal organizes Legal Awareness Programme on “NALSA Scheme

GANDERBAL, September 06: The District Legal Services Authority (DLSA) Ganderbal today organized Legal Awareness Programme on “NALSA (Child Friendly Legal Services to Children and Protection) Scheme, at Legal Literacy Club/Legal Aid Clinic in Government Boys High School Sherpathri.

The programme was held under the supervision of Chairman DLSA Ganderbal, Ritesh Kumar Dubey and guidance of Secretary DLSA Ganderbal, Nusrat Ali Hakak.

The programme aimed to educate participants on NALSA Child Friendly Legal Services to Children and Protection Scheme, which aims to safeguard the rights and protect children in legal matters.

Adv. Asif Mustafa (Assistant Legal Aid Defense Counsel) emphasized the participants about the key aspects of the NALSA Child Friendly Legal Services to Children and Protection Scheme.

He highlighted the significance of empowering and protecting children within the legal framework. Advocating for the rights of children and ensuring their well-being.

The programme served as a platform for interactive discussions and insightful conversations. Participants actively engaged in exchanging ideas, sharing experiences, and seeking guidance on legal matters affecting children.

The programme was attended by Principal, teachers, staff members & students of Government Boys High School Sherpathri & PLVs of DLSA Ganderbal.