DLSA Samba concludes Legal Services week activities
SAMBA, November 11: District Legal Services Authority Samba, under the aegis of JKLSA and under the guidance of Yesh Pal Kotwal, Chairman DLSA Samba, today culminated the Legal Services week activities which commenced on 7th of this Month.

The program was inaugurated by Chairman DLSA Samba and thereafter Chairman DLSA Samba distributed Wheel Chairs, Walking Sticks, blankets and motor tricycles among the beneficiaries at ADR centre Samba. The aid was provided by the Department of Social Welfare Samba. Thereafter the Judicial Officers of District Court Complex Samba and Members of Bar Association Samba distributed Ration among the needy people of different villages of District Samba which was organized with the contribution of All the Judicial Officers of District Samba
Another activity organized by DLSA Samba was Affixing of stickers on the local Auto Rickshaws displaying the Helpline no of DLSA Samba for the information of entitled Legal Aid Seekers. The legal aid is extended to eligible individuals as is mandated under Sec 12 of The Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987.
The entitled persons can approach DLSA Samba for getting Legal Aid Lawyers for their respective cases. The activity was organized by DLSA Samba in collaboration with ARTO Samba and Astro Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd.
The series of activities reflected the commitment of the DLSA Samba to provide free and competent services to the people of district Samba.
The program witnessed the presence of all the Judicial Officers of District Court Complex, Senior and other Members of Bar Association Samba, ARTO, District Social Welfare Officer and his team along with beneficiaries , representatives from Astro Mahindra and Mahindra, Officers of LADC, Panel Advocates Staff and PLVs of DLSA Samba, Auto rickshaws owners etc.