DLSA Samba organises one day Training Program on The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
SAMBA, October 20: Secretary District Legal Services Authority Samba Rekha Kapoor Nischal, organised “One day POSH Training Program on The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 also known as PoSH Act” for the employees of the Courts at District Court Complex Samba here today.

The programme was inaugurated by Chairman, District Legal Services Authority Samba (also Principal District and Sessions Judge Samba) Yesh Pal Kotwal. In his presidential address, Chairman DLSA, Samba discussed the Constitutional Provisions of Article 14,16, 21 as well as United Nation Convention of 1979 which was ratified by Govt. of India in 1993 vis-à-vis legal rights of women to equal protection of law, right to live with dignity without any discrimination.
He also highlighted the guidelines laid down by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the year 1997 in Vishaka V/s State of Rajasthan.
The purpose and objectives of the POSH Act as well as the obligations of the employers of the Workplaces/Institutions etc with respect to the Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal of the Sexual Harassment grievances of the female employees.
Preet Simran Kour, Chief Judicial Magistrate, Samba in her special address discussed in detail the Gender Sensitization & Sexual Harassment of Women at the High Court and Subordinate Courts, of Jammu & Kashmir (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Regulations, 2016.
Tania Pargal, Panel Lawyer, DLSA Samba who was the resource person in the program in her address deliberated upon the historical background and necessity of POSH Act as well as how Committees are formed under POSH Act and why it is mandatory and what are the penalties if Internal Committees are not formed under POSH Act, 2013.
Rekha Kapoor Nischal, Secretary, DLSA Samba in her Welcome address gave an overview of the programme whereas Vote of thanks was presented by Jasmine Kousar, Nazir, Addl. Spl. Mobile Magistrate, Samba.
The objective of organizing this sensitization POSH Training Programme was to make aware the participants as to how this programme can help them to come out and report any misconduct in the work place to ensure safety in the work environment.
The program had also the presence of Addl. District & Sessions Judge Samba, Chief Judicial Magistrate Samba, Addl. Spl. Mobile Magistrate Samba, Addl. Munsiff Samba, Munsiff Samba, the Officers of Prosecuting wing Samba, President Bar Association Samba, Senior and other Members of Bar Association Samba, Officers of Legal Aid Defense Counsel System Samba, staff members of all Courts of District Court Complex Samba, Staff members and PLVs DLSA, Samba.