Doda Admin hosts Weekly Block Diwas at multiple locations to address public grievances
DODA, OCTOBER 18: District Administration Doda led by Deputy Commissioner Vishesh Mahajan, is actively working to address public grievances and meet the expectations of the people effectively.

To achieve this, regular Block Diwas programmes have been organized in various locations, particularly in remote areas, following the directives of the LG administration.
During this week, Block Diwas events were conducted in several crucial locations across the district, such as Panchayat Ghar Mukhsyas, Block Chilly, Sub Division Gandoh; Block Headquarter Bhalla, Sub District Bhaderwah; Panchayat Ghar Ganhota, Sub Division Assar; Panchayat Tanta, Tehsil Kahara, and Sub Division Thathri.
These locations served as focal points for the weekly Block Diwas program today, where the officers visited to listen to public demands, issues, and grievances. These initiatives aim to assess and resolve public concerns effectively with the help of the district administration.
The objective of organising such a public outreach program was to reach out to the public and resolve and dispose off issues, demands and grievances on the spot and at the earliest.
During these events, government officers actively engaged with the local community, attentively listening to their grievances and demands. Many issues were promptly resolved on the spot by the respective line departments present at the scene. Additionally, certain issues were marked for immediate resolution, demonstrating the administration’s commitment to addressing public concerns quickly.
Weekly block diwas was also held at block Headquarter Bhalla, Sub District Bhadarwah which was chaired by ADC Bhadarwah Dil Mir Choudhary along with Tehsildar Bhalla Manjeet Singh Katal, and BDO Bhalla.
During the long day proceedings locals raised their issues, demands, and grievances before the concerned officers and officials
In another location, the Block Diwas program held at Panchayat Ghar Ganhota was presided over by SDM Lekh Raj. He patiently listened to the public and directed concerned officers to resolve issues on the spot. Tehsildar Assar also attended the program and addressed various issues.
The block divas program held at panchayat Tanta was attended by the SDM Thathri and Tehsildar Kahara. The SDM Gandoh, Ashraf Parvaz chaired the public meeting at Panchayat Ghar Mukhsyas, Block Chilly, and listened to the public and directed the concerned officers and officials to dispose off the raised issues and grievances.