JAMMU 9 SEP : DSSP Jammu Held a meeting at Ward No 35 Jammu North office and formally launched the campaign for upcoming elections to Jammu Municipal Corporation [JMC].

Thismeeting was chaired by Sh K D Singh Sr Vice President DSSP. In this meeting strategy for the upcoming elections for JMC were discussed. An Eleven-member coordination committee was announced under the chairmanship of Sh K D Singh Sr VicePresident DSSP with S Balbir Singh PRO DSSP as its Coordination Secretary.
The Important issues pertaining to the upcoming elections to JMC were discussed at length and a draft strategy was formulated to be ratified by the corecommitteeDSSP headed by Founder Chairman DSSP Ch Lal Singh.Sh K D SinghSr Vice President DSSP emphasized the issue of concerted efforts to raise the voice for the people of Jammu. He highlighted the anti-people policies of present dispensation at length and emphasized on the need for DSSP to become a credible and official voice for people of Jammu, who have been subjected to the illegal tolls, over charging by smart meters, unreasonable property tax etc.
Hesaid that these anti people initiatives of the present dispensation have been thrust upon the common man in Jammu particularly the lower strata of Jammu society,who have no voice today to protest against this dictatorial domination of the present administration. He promised the people of Jammu a clean and lean administration where the people of Jammu will be given requisite relief from the autocratic and despotic policies of present disposition.The Provisional list of DSSP candidateswas discussed and views of all present were sought in a fair and democratic manner.
All present contributed in a very positive manner.In this meetingShRaghav Khajuria , Adv Vikrant, Sh Mahesh Khajuria ,Dr AshokSharma , Dr Taran Singh, Sh Raju Pehlwan,Sh Pranav Manhasand Brig [Dr] Vijay Sagarwere also present.